Sunday, November 30, 2008

And just like the the anger comes back.

How many different ways of anger can there possibly be? Some ways can just down right be unjust at time and without purpose or meaning as to why something has bitten into your conscience so hard that you express you displeasure. But as for me, my anger had been a problem since I entered High School about 5 years or so back. I did go through somewhat of an Anger Management Course that did help subside the attitude that I had no control over. But today it had emerged just as forceful as ever and with thanks to Mark it wasn't able to take me through my better thought.

When you have an apartment and you sign the lease, you are supposed to honor the lease and the terms of the lease, not as if you had your own house where anything goes. In this lease of mine there is a 400-500$ pet deposit on all animals. That is money that me or my roommate's do not have and don't intend to spend. A simple visit for a few hours would be acceptable i'm sure as long as it wasn't something you were caught for keeping. Unfortunately I had ran into somewhat of a flaw in the thinking of my roommate's and I. About a few weeks or so back one of my roommate's had brought his dog over for I would say and hour or two. Not a big deal right? But he had been seen by the so called "Associate" living underneath our complex. This had turned into a report to the landlord that we had been made aware of and under penalty of this happening again we would have to spend 500$ extra on our monthly rent to have a manditory pet deposit. So we had vowed for it to not happen again.

Today as i woke up this morning my roommate had said it was his dog's birthday and that she would be over for a few hours and be going home or to the park with his girlfriend. I had left for the day to my Grandmother's house to watch some football and eat turkey all the live long day. As the clock had came around to about 5 or so in the afternoon, we had plan's to go check in and put a deposit down on a Television that we were interested in buying. Mark had been with me but Trever was nowhere to be found at the time, as I had pulled in the parking lot earlier though it was then where I saw my anger flash before my eyes. A short, pudgy, older man most likely in his 50's or so had approached me with a polo shirt that had the name of our apartment complex plated on his chest. He had asked me if I had a pet deposit or if I was getting one. I kindly replied I do not have any pet's to keep and at that moment he began getting more broad with his tone towards me. He had seen my roommate and his girlfriend bring the dog into the house for several hours that day. As I took the verbal beating that I had not gotten since I was caught throwing a party at my mom's house when I was 16, Everything blanked out for an instant as a furious storm had taken over my body. I had marched upstairs after the man had told me that there was a potential 500$ charge going to our rent for unknowingly having the dog over that we were not aloud to have.

Venting to Mark was probably the best thing for me in that situation, anyone else I would most likely have punched there head off of their shoulder's. As he came back (with the dog) and his girlfriend I had told him what had just happened. As I told him the story I had just posted above he expressed the control he had after saying he had talked with one of the leasing women down in the office. I told him about the man who had told me this information and he quickly went to the leasing office to talk to the landlord. At this time the office had been closed, and Mark and I had been running late to go check in on the Television we were planning on buying so we had jumped in my car and left to go see it. He had said that we lied and that he talked to the girl's and they said it was perfectly fine, Little did he know that we knew the office closed at 4 in the afternoon on Sunday's. Mark and I had decided that we needed to cool down and not come home for awhile after that fearing that we might do something a little more physically drastic then yelling.

We had gone down Mill Street where the man with the TV for sale on Craig's list had lived. It was a small brick house with a redneck type front yard with broken instruments. When we had met the man that I had talked to over the phone about it I was shocked to see that he was skeptical in appearance. With a bald head and big red beard and freckles he had completely shocked me when over the phone he had sounded like nothing more then a mere boy. Mark and I had followed him into one of the messiest houses I had ever laid eye's on. Hardwood floors covered in must and decay from old food and rotting material. But the one bright spot was the 60" Sony HDTV that we had our eyes set on and it was beautiful. Handed down to him by his rich friends parent's, he said he could no longer afford the power bill with it so he had to sell it. I had given him 80$ for a deposit so that he would not sell it to any other takers and after that Mark and I had quickly taken off and went to get a bite to eat.

We had went to 7/11 first to get the buffalo chicken Fajita's. They did not have any on the shelf though, so we had decided that Carl's JR was the next best decision for us. We both ordered Number 4's with criss cut fries and Dr. Peppers. Looking for a place to go we ended up going to play Phase 10, a very fun card game, at my buddies house with his roommate and their friend. We played for several hours before finally coming home to a quiet house.

Now those of you who have read this might be wondering why we hadn't gone to the Neighbor girls house right across the street to relieve stress by kicking back some drinks. But that was not the case for Myself. The night before we had some people over to hang out and watch some movies or play some video games. For the first time she had been drinking in the same area of me. Quite the funny sight if you ask me. At first there had been no hostility between the two of us, just a few traded stares and faint words that were meaningless at that point. The thought in my head though was that through everything she still had an amazing vibe coming off her and she was gorgeous as always. Through the night though some jokes turned into more jokes which turned into Rude replies which had turned into dirty stares which had resulted in me going back next door as to avoid any hostile action's. She had come over saying she would buy the beer and I was unselfish enough to buy a case for each house. As she came in the sweet vibe had turned bitter and the tension had swelled as if a bee had just stung my heart. I asked her to not start anything and that I was not in the mood to deal with any antics and she began rambling at me about how I had been being rude to her that night. Now I will admit to not being pleasant, But I do feel I did not deserve the treatment that I had been given by her. As I left to go buy beer because she had decided she would not do it for me I had been getting text messages from her telling me that that I do this shit all the time and asking what my problem was. I can't remember all the texts written but I just know my night had been ruined by them for arguing with this girl. While playing Phase 10 she had sent me a text message asking me what I was up too. I had told her and she had acted like the sweetheart I had gotten to know little by little.

In no attempt to be rude at all I had told her that we should talk about what happened later on because I was still frustrated about the dog in the apartment. She had gone to go see a friend so she had something to do and I didn't feel bad about leaving her hanging. She did though text Mark asking him why I was still mad at her. To be quite honest I don't think this whole time it has been me being mad at her though. I felt anger today and its not what I feel when this whole scenario occurs between the two of us. I would more describe it as a combination of Jealousy and Frustration. The all too familiar sting of wanting what you can't have so to speak. Any advice I could give to myself would be to let the situation play out if you have the will power and patience that so many people lack today. But at the same time you cannot let pass something that you desire. And that the pursuit of Happiness always has its slips and falls and the only way to get what you deserve is to see how many more times you are willing to fall before you fall into something you have needed and wanted all along. Maybe this girl isn't what is intended for me, I could very well possible be falling into another trap planted along my path, But in this short life I go for what I want no matter what the cost and make myself go past the limit to get back up and try try again.

After this I believe there is a change in hand for myself. Not drastic but noticeable by the one's who have known me best. Change never had to be a bad thing, just something you had to be willing to work on to make yourself work out for the best. That will be all for tonight

Thank you all who have been reading up until now. Keep reading for me please.

With love. Steve.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Driving my stress away.

Everyone has their way of getting rid of stress. Some people like sex to make it go away which is an effective way, some people smoke which is probably the most common way, or drinking, and some people like to go work out to get it out of their system. But for me I feel like driving on the open road really helps me focus on something else other than the vile reality in the town we call the biggest little city. Don't get me wrong I love Reno, but nothing in my life has gone wrong when I'm elsewhere.

Thanksgiving time is probably for me one of the worst times of the year possible for me. Not because you have to spend time with your family and drive all over the place to go see people who you barely ever see, Seeing and spending time with your family should never be a chore. But this marks around the same time that my grandpa had passed to the other side.

Every year since this has happened I always get in the most irritable mood towards everybody no matter what the reason. Not necessarily because I am in a bad, but it's because I have nobody to turn to for advice at a time where everything starts to catch up to me and once. So instead of attempting to figure out someway of overcoming an almost impossible situation I have been caving around this time of year and just putting all my frustration into anger towards people that do nothing to deserve it.

Maybe the most common of problems would be the girl problem's. I like a girl, have mixed signals being thrown at me by it, Well actually she told me she did like me it was just a complicated situation. Trying not to show it but I easily get jealous with the ex-boyfriend who is so close to her and obviously still has feelings. It's hard to bear it but at the very least I enjoy being around all of them. They like to have a good time and mean no harm so I have no problem with what happens. But as for her, I give her too much of a hard time for no reason, Instead of letting the situation play out and accepting a backseat to another man or slowly sliding forward in the picket line I begin burning my wire by sending text messages acting as if I can easily throw her away. Maybe it isn't something I can have but it sure is something i don't want to put out of place of where it deserves to be.

It seems lately that people have been being taken for granted a lot. Friends and family alike, People are getting thrown away only to be summoned back into lives of the people who got rid of them because they realized the value that the person can bring to their lives. Unfortunately some people never come back after they are gone. Everyone should be given a second chance in my opinion, but at a cost of some trust and of what they had before. Recently I have had people tossing away other's from their lives and I think to myself if down the road whether it be a year or a week or a minute they would do anything to take that person back and handle a situation in a more mature way.

For the rest of my day I woke up fairly late. Didn't drink last night but i did drive a guy named John who was with the neighbor girls down to 7/11 to buy some beer and smokes. I met him when i met my crushes ex-boyfriend about 3 or 4 weeks ago. That's when we had all hit it off and began drinking the night away beer after beer. In the parking lot of the 7/11 there was a Lexus SUV parked right next to us with a women most likely in her high 30's walking out. He had rolled down the window of my car and said to the women that she had a beautiful dog that was seated inside the vehicle. Thinking he was just going to leave it at that I was quickly shocked when the next words out of his mouth to the attractive older women were, "We should have sex". Not knowing what to think my laughter showed itself only to increase with the look on her face and the response she had said of "with the dog?". John had a quick response of "what!?, No I meant with you, your beautiful". The lady had got inside her car and had attempted to close the door when her door actually had not closed all the way. "Oh, you didn't close your door all the way, that means you want to have sex!" John said, and by this time i had filled my hands with tears of laughter. We joked around about how the women must have been some kinky women wanting to have sex with him and the dog at the same time. And the best part of it was after this was said he had told me that he was actually a sex offender cop and had to deal with cases like this every day. Talk about an lopsided situation if he had gotten in trouble for that.

This morning after waking up I had gone to my living room where my friend Shea had slept on my couch after playing guitar hero and left 4 dead all night long with his friend who had left earlier that morning. The girl had come over to use my computer as she and her roommate often do to check her Myspace and catch up with friend's she often talks to over the phone i'm sure. Just at that time I had talked to the girl using the computer and saw pieces of her family as she expressed her love for all of them. As interested as I was I was still upset over missing my grandpa for yet another long long year. Hiding the emotion that was ready to burst through my eyes I stepped outside when I saw my father pulling up in his work truck with some firewood for the fireplace. I had gone out to help him bring it in when he right off the bat could see the sadness in my face of the same situation. Just like on thanksgiving, Looking across the head of the table at the empty chair we leave for him every year, joining hands for saying grace as I made it short and sweet just like he had always too so everyone did not have to wait forever to dig in to the meaty turkey that was in front of them. After talking with my father and bringing up the firewood and laying it on the back patio he had left to get ready for yet another work week for himself. He gave me 20 Dollars for taking my grandmother to Carson City for our Thanksgiving dinner so I had taken my roommate Mark to Tommy's Grand Stand for some burger's and fries. I had told him about my situation and he was a good listener about it and now understands why I have been in such a crude mood as of late. After eating I had seen an old friend that worked there and she had given us free sides of ranch for our French Fries and had a short chat with her before her make friend had come in to speak with her about some dramatic issues.

I had decided that Mark and I would go to the new Lotus dealership to test drive my dream car. A brand new black and baby blue Lotus Exige 240 was just waiting for us to hop in and take it for a ride. When we had gotten there we had found out that we were unable to drive the cars since they were to be sold not broken in yet. Luckily the new car had run out of date and a new model would be coming in so they were up for a spin. Mark and I had taken a 15 minute run each, taking turns going 90 miles per hour and reaching top speeds on the freeway of about 140 miles per hour. After the drive we had both decided that sometime in our lifetime we would own a Lotus and it would be the best car anyone had ever seen.

Now I am home maybe for the night, I have not decided yet, but some people are supposed to come over and hang with us as we watch our on demand channel's all night. Leaving on a good note my day had taken a turn for the upside after the test drive that erased my memory of all the sorrow for that short 15 minutes of fun. Trever and I are going to buy our big screen television fairly soon so that we can really have a funner experience with out expensive cable channel's. Monday is the start of my new job so I gotta try and sleep earlier as to get up earlier.

Tomorrow I'll be watching the Raiders play the Chiefs, maybe one of the 2 games this year that my Raiders are supposed to win. So tomorrow night ill post a little bit about that and the North Carolina Tar Heels game. I hope you enjoyed the blog and I'll see you more tomorrow, Have a safe Saturday night.

With love. Steve

Friday, November 28, 2008

blog #1

Well this is my first blog. I had thought about doing this for some time now but never had the time to do it until i was laid off from my previous job. It's hard trying to figure out what to do with all this spare time. So let me just start this off by telling you all about myself and seeing what you think and hopefully i can grab your attention.

My full name is Steven Gregory Sage, I'm an 18 year old man who lives in a apartment with two of his buddies Trever and Mark. I love getting out of the house whether it be camping or just taking a drive up in the hills. I'm leaving as early as March to begin my career as a swat team member for the United States Border Patrol. I have the greatest friends a man can ask for, It will be hard for me to leave them behind for my career. I have lived in Reno, NV for about 12 years or so. Before i lived in Oakland, CA which is where my heart lives still. All my family that I am close to are still here in Nevada. My dad lives in Carson City with his girlfriend, My mother lives in Bridal Path with her soon to be husband. Me and my dad's girlfriend get along alright, but me and my future step-dad can't stay in the same room with each other for more then 2 minutes. My sister and her husband and their cute baby live in Sparks and also have my dog with them since she is a pit bull and can't be with me at my apartment. My grandmother moved up here from Washington after my grandpa had passed away to be with her closer family, I try and see her as much as possible and keep her company.

My Grandpa's name was Lyle Sage, He was a war veteran and earned a purple heart for pretty much being himself which is an amazing person. He had lived near me my entire life, was always there for me and taught me everything i know and was the inspiration that has got me going to where I am today. The day he had passed away was the worst day of my life, I'll never forget how far my heart and dropped down into my soul, Pieces of my mind are still lost to this day when I think about how I never got to say goodbye or see him one more time. It was around this time of year, and everytime around this year i just pity myself and take out my frustration on anybody and everybody. So if I have been rude to you during this time of the year I apologize.

I love to work, I get so bored just sitting at home and playing games or watching tv when i can be making money till i leave for border patrol. But I will be working at Amazon.Com for 2 months or so, but the hours are horrible, 12.25$ an hour but i have to work 6pm till 430am Wednesday through Saturday. I know right, but i gotta get money somehow. I had currently been working for Mygrant Glass as a driver and ups at the same time as a loader. Before that I was working at Pep Boys as a sales associate. So i have worked quite a bit in my time.

Lately all I have been doing is getting drunk all the time with my friends at my house. I love to drink and have a good time, I'm always down to go to a party or kickback and meet new people and play drinking games and joke around with people. Happiness is what I pursue everyday of my life. I try and take a positive outlook on everything that happens in my life, but everyone has their moments so its really impossible.

I'm big on sports, Raiders, Athletics, Sharks, but my favorite sport of all is college basketball. My team by far is the North Carolina Tar Heels. I get too into every game i get to watch and I get to watch them beat Nevada this year in person which will be my first game watching in person. Sunday is my football day, I sit and watch the raiders, win or lose, drink a couple beers and after the game go and see all of my family.

So I'm going to try and post once a day at the end of every night, I'll have stories of my day or just my thoughts on what's going on in life. I'm more then willing to listen to advice anyone has for my problems or maybe a problem of a friend who i wouldn't know how to help. So I hope putting this link on myspace will help me get some publicity for whatever i'm going for.

Today was a pretty lazy day for me. Last night i was drunk and drove around town and ended back at my place. So much for getting up for black Friday. I was still in bed when 130 came around. After I had woken up all it was for me was drama with the neighbor girls that me and my roommate mark had grown quite fond of over the last couple weeks. While helping to figure out his problem I had not been paying attention to my own and well, that could very well have been the downfall. Sometimes though things happen for a reason, and you can't subject yourself to something that isn't helping yourself from being happy. But at the same time I feel that letting everything play out can come back to help me. That's what my grandpa had taught me, letting this type of situation play out lets everyone start fresh with one another.

My Roommate mark had gone to jail for doing a beer run which went bad at scolari's. I was in the car as the driver and wasn't quite sure what was happening until I saw him drop beer and give up. Not thinking I got out of the car when 3 employees had started to assault him, which is against company policy. They all had different color shirts on so I had assumed that he had mouthed off to someone in the store and had got him in some trouble. So as I got out of the car one of the employee's had put his hand on me and told me to get in the car as he went back for mark, another one was sprinting to help assault him so I extended my arm and clothes lined him and put him in the ground. I then punched one in the face that was on mark and choked out the girl that was getting involved, after this had all happened I realized that it was a beer run gone bad, Mark yelled at me and told me to get out while I still could, So i got in his car and took off and accidentally hit another employee with his car as i sped off back to the party that we were at. He spent 5 days at Parr Boulevard and was bailed out on 580$ bail by his parents. Instead of trying to figure out what I should do about getting him out I spent those 5 days pounding beers and telling the story about what happened and making it funnier and funnier as the days went on. Now he is out and we had joked around with him about meeting his husband that was still left in jail.

Well I think that should be good for my first day, I'm really not thinking of anything right now. Just kinda taking a break from all the shit going on in life. But tomorrow I will be posting some more so hopefully my close friends will be able to read this and understand what is happening in life for me right now.

with love. scuba steve