Friday, November 28, 2008

blog #1

Well this is my first blog. I had thought about doing this for some time now but never had the time to do it until i was laid off from my previous job. It's hard trying to figure out what to do with all this spare time. So let me just start this off by telling you all about myself and seeing what you think and hopefully i can grab your attention.

My full name is Steven Gregory Sage, I'm an 18 year old man who lives in a apartment with two of his buddies Trever and Mark. I love getting out of the house whether it be camping or just taking a drive up in the hills. I'm leaving as early as March to begin my career as a swat team member for the United States Border Patrol. I have the greatest friends a man can ask for, It will be hard for me to leave them behind for my career. I have lived in Reno, NV for about 12 years or so. Before i lived in Oakland, CA which is where my heart lives still. All my family that I am close to are still here in Nevada. My dad lives in Carson City with his girlfriend, My mother lives in Bridal Path with her soon to be husband. Me and my dad's girlfriend get along alright, but me and my future step-dad can't stay in the same room with each other for more then 2 minutes. My sister and her husband and their cute baby live in Sparks and also have my dog with them since she is a pit bull and can't be with me at my apartment. My grandmother moved up here from Washington after my grandpa had passed away to be with her closer family, I try and see her as much as possible and keep her company.

My Grandpa's name was Lyle Sage, He was a war veteran and earned a purple heart for pretty much being himself which is an amazing person. He had lived near me my entire life, was always there for me and taught me everything i know and was the inspiration that has got me going to where I am today. The day he had passed away was the worst day of my life, I'll never forget how far my heart and dropped down into my soul, Pieces of my mind are still lost to this day when I think about how I never got to say goodbye or see him one more time. It was around this time of year, and everytime around this year i just pity myself and take out my frustration on anybody and everybody. So if I have been rude to you during this time of the year I apologize.

I love to work, I get so bored just sitting at home and playing games or watching tv when i can be making money till i leave for border patrol. But I will be working at Amazon.Com for 2 months or so, but the hours are horrible, 12.25$ an hour but i have to work 6pm till 430am Wednesday through Saturday. I know right, but i gotta get money somehow. I had currently been working for Mygrant Glass as a driver and ups at the same time as a loader. Before that I was working at Pep Boys as a sales associate. So i have worked quite a bit in my time.

Lately all I have been doing is getting drunk all the time with my friends at my house. I love to drink and have a good time, I'm always down to go to a party or kickback and meet new people and play drinking games and joke around with people. Happiness is what I pursue everyday of my life. I try and take a positive outlook on everything that happens in my life, but everyone has their moments so its really impossible.

I'm big on sports, Raiders, Athletics, Sharks, but my favorite sport of all is college basketball. My team by far is the North Carolina Tar Heels. I get too into every game i get to watch and I get to watch them beat Nevada this year in person which will be my first game watching in person. Sunday is my football day, I sit and watch the raiders, win or lose, drink a couple beers and after the game go and see all of my family.

So I'm going to try and post once a day at the end of every night, I'll have stories of my day or just my thoughts on what's going on in life. I'm more then willing to listen to advice anyone has for my problems or maybe a problem of a friend who i wouldn't know how to help. So I hope putting this link on myspace will help me get some publicity for whatever i'm going for.

Today was a pretty lazy day for me. Last night i was drunk and drove around town and ended back at my place. So much for getting up for black Friday. I was still in bed when 130 came around. After I had woken up all it was for me was drama with the neighbor girls that me and my roommate mark had grown quite fond of over the last couple weeks. While helping to figure out his problem I had not been paying attention to my own and well, that could very well have been the downfall. Sometimes though things happen for a reason, and you can't subject yourself to something that isn't helping yourself from being happy. But at the same time I feel that letting everything play out can come back to help me. That's what my grandpa had taught me, letting this type of situation play out lets everyone start fresh with one another.

My Roommate mark had gone to jail for doing a beer run which went bad at scolari's. I was in the car as the driver and wasn't quite sure what was happening until I saw him drop beer and give up. Not thinking I got out of the car when 3 employees had started to assault him, which is against company policy. They all had different color shirts on so I had assumed that he had mouthed off to someone in the store and had got him in some trouble. So as I got out of the car one of the employee's had put his hand on me and told me to get in the car as he went back for mark, another one was sprinting to help assault him so I extended my arm and clothes lined him and put him in the ground. I then punched one in the face that was on mark and choked out the girl that was getting involved, after this had all happened I realized that it was a beer run gone bad, Mark yelled at me and told me to get out while I still could, So i got in his car and took off and accidentally hit another employee with his car as i sped off back to the party that we were at. He spent 5 days at Parr Boulevard and was bailed out on 580$ bail by his parents. Instead of trying to figure out what I should do about getting him out I spent those 5 days pounding beers and telling the story about what happened and making it funnier and funnier as the days went on. Now he is out and we had joked around with him about meeting his husband that was still left in jail.

Well I think that should be good for my first day, I'm really not thinking of anything right now. Just kinda taking a break from all the shit going on in life. But tomorrow I will be posting some more so hopefully my close friends will be able to read this and understand what is happening in life for me right now.

with love. scuba steve


~Emeffinronbear~ said...

you are one amazing mother fucker
let me tell you!!!

ChaniBoBani said...

Love you Bro! Can't wait to read! =)