Saturday, November 29, 2008

Driving my stress away.

Everyone has their way of getting rid of stress. Some people like sex to make it go away which is an effective way, some people smoke which is probably the most common way, or drinking, and some people like to go work out to get it out of their system. But for me I feel like driving on the open road really helps me focus on something else other than the vile reality in the town we call the biggest little city. Don't get me wrong I love Reno, but nothing in my life has gone wrong when I'm elsewhere.

Thanksgiving time is probably for me one of the worst times of the year possible for me. Not because you have to spend time with your family and drive all over the place to go see people who you barely ever see, Seeing and spending time with your family should never be a chore. But this marks around the same time that my grandpa had passed to the other side.

Every year since this has happened I always get in the most irritable mood towards everybody no matter what the reason. Not necessarily because I am in a bad, but it's because I have nobody to turn to for advice at a time where everything starts to catch up to me and once. So instead of attempting to figure out someway of overcoming an almost impossible situation I have been caving around this time of year and just putting all my frustration into anger towards people that do nothing to deserve it.

Maybe the most common of problems would be the girl problem's. I like a girl, have mixed signals being thrown at me by it, Well actually she told me she did like me it was just a complicated situation. Trying not to show it but I easily get jealous with the ex-boyfriend who is so close to her and obviously still has feelings. It's hard to bear it but at the very least I enjoy being around all of them. They like to have a good time and mean no harm so I have no problem with what happens. But as for her, I give her too much of a hard time for no reason, Instead of letting the situation play out and accepting a backseat to another man or slowly sliding forward in the picket line I begin burning my wire by sending text messages acting as if I can easily throw her away. Maybe it isn't something I can have but it sure is something i don't want to put out of place of where it deserves to be.

It seems lately that people have been being taken for granted a lot. Friends and family alike, People are getting thrown away only to be summoned back into lives of the people who got rid of them because they realized the value that the person can bring to their lives. Unfortunately some people never come back after they are gone. Everyone should be given a second chance in my opinion, but at a cost of some trust and of what they had before. Recently I have had people tossing away other's from their lives and I think to myself if down the road whether it be a year or a week or a minute they would do anything to take that person back and handle a situation in a more mature way.

For the rest of my day I woke up fairly late. Didn't drink last night but i did drive a guy named John who was with the neighbor girls down to 7/11 to buy some beer and smokes. I met him when i met my crushes ex-boyfriend about 3 or 4 weeks ago. That's when we had all hit it off and began drinking the night away beer after beer. In the parking lot of the 7/11 there was a Lexus SUV parked right next to us with a women most likely in her high 30's walking out. He had rolled down the window of my car and said to the women that she had a beautiful dog that was seated inside the vehicle. Thinking he was just going to leave it at that I was quickly shocked when the next words out of his mouth to the attractive older women were, "We should have sex". Not knowing what to think my laughter showed itself only to increase with the look on her face and the response she had said of "with the dog?". John had a quick response of "what!?, No I meant with you, your beautiful". The lady had got inside her car and had attempted to close the door when her door actually had not closed all the way. "Oh, you didn't close your door all the way, that means you want to have sex!" John said, and by this time i had filled my hands with tears of laughter. We joked around about how the women must have been some kinky women wanting to have sex with him and the dog at the same time. And the best part of it was after this was said he had told me that he was actually a sex offender cop and had to deal with cases like this every day. Talk about an lopsided situation if he had gotten in trouble for that.

This morning after waking up I had gone to my living room where my friend Shea had slept on my couch after playing guitar hero and left 4 dead all night long with his friend who had left earlier that morning. The girl had come over to use my computer as she and her roommate often do to check her Myspace and catch up with friend's she often talks to over the phone i'm sure. Just at that time I had talked to the girl using the computer and saw pieces of her family as she expressed her love for all of them. As interested as I was I was still upset over missing my grandpa for yet another long long year. Hiding the emotion that was ready to burst through my eyes I stepped outside when I saw my father pulling up in his work truck with some firewood for the fireplace. I had gone out to help him bring it in when he right off the bat could see the sadness in my face of the same situation. Just like on thanksgiving, Looking across the head of the table at the empty chair we leave for him every year, joining hands for saying grace as I made it short and sweet just like he had always too so everyone did not have to wait forever to dig in to the meaty turkey that was in front of them. After talking with my father and bringing up the firewood and laying it on the back patio he had left to get ready for yet another work week for himself. He gave me 20 Dollars for taking my grandmother to Carson City for our Thanksgiving dinner so I had taken my roommate Mark to Tommy's Grand Stand for some burger's and fries. I had told him about my situation and he was a good listener about it and now understands why I have been in such a crude mood as of late. After eating I had seen an old friend that worked there and she had given us free sides of ranch for our French Fries and had a short chat with her before her make friend had come in to speak with her about some dramatic issues.

I had decided that Mark and I would go to the new Lotus dealership to test drive my dream car. A brand new black and baby blue Lotus Exige 240 was just waiting for us to hop in and take it for a ride. When we had gotten there we had found out that we were unable to drive the cars since they were to be sold not broken in yet. Luckily the new car had run out of date and a new model would be coming in so they were up for a spin. Mark and I had taken a 15 minute run each, taking turns going 90 miles per hour and reaching top speeds on the freeway of about 140 miles per hour. After the drive we had both decided that sometime in our lifetime we would own a Lotus and it would be the best car anyone had ever seen.

Now I am home maybe for the night, I have not decided yet, but some people are supposed to come over and hang with us as we watch our on demand channel's all night. Leaving on a good note my day had taken a turn for the upside after the test drive that erased my memory of all the sorrow for that short 15 minutes of fun. Trever and I are going to buy our big screen television fairly soon so that we can really have a funner experience with out expensive cable channel's. Monday is the start of my new job so I gotta try and sleep earlier as to get up earlier.

Tomorrow I'll be watching the Raiders play the Chiefs, maybe one of the 2 games this year that my Raiders are supposed to win. So tomorrow night ill post a little bit about that and the North Carolina Tar Heels game. I hope you enjoyed the blog and I'll see you more tomorrow, Have a safe Saturday night.

With love. Steve

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