Monday, January 5, 2009

Ugh.....The Agony

Of going two straight days without inducing a single drop of alcohol. I can barely see straight from not drinking if that makes any sense at all. All I want to so this weekend is go meet up with a girl(s), go to my buddy's house to drink, and get plastered to the point where I don't remember the night. Is that so much for one man to ask? I thought so, It's not.

The weekend had started with drinking Heineken at Brennan's house and playing beer pong, I think. Anyways I had a tremendous time there just kind of floating around talking to other people.

Wait.....That was last weekend.

I can't remember this previous.

Give me a second...........



Oh Yes!!!! I remember now, I was with Danny Friday night.

Danny and I had been driving around and finding places to drink throughout the night and made a flurry of prank calls to girls in my phone attempting either to fool them with the clinic joke or having them yell at Danny and him outwit them with comebacks. We had also had some girls that I had met on Myspace coming over to drink some alcohol with us later on in the night, but before that had happened, tragedy struck.

Some girl Danny had seen several times said she was coming over to his house around nine. I had asked her if she looked good and he very vaguely had said "no". I asked what was wrong with her and he just made a gesture that she was fat. I left to get my Nick from work and returned to Danny answering the door in his boxer's and socks. I took a seat on the couch and could hear them talking throughout the house. The door opened and Danny came out, this time butt ass naked. "Steve, come on in my room." he said to me. I just walked right in and looked in the dark trying to make out the face of what looked like a Rhino or perhaps an inflated blimp. I quickly shot out of the room and began gagging uncontrollably. He wanted me to come bang the fat chick with him but I refused even after he chased me around the room naked trying to force me into the room. Thank god my Mother called and I was able to have him just go back in the room and keep face fucking Buddah.

When she came out she was even more hideous in the light, which is almost impossible unless you weigh the equivalent of a space shuttle. She called me over and I went to hear what she had to say and then she punched me in the side of the head. I was half tempted to go poke a hole in her stomach with a needle and watch her deflate and fly around the room, but I decided to be a nice guy. She had left and the two, much cuter, girls had arrived with 20$ for us to go buy their alcohol. One girl is the one I had been talking to on the space for some time and the other was her very much out of line with the bitchiness friend. They would not go with us, and Danny was skeptical that they would steal from his house. We tried to convince them but they just wouldn't do it, so Danny and I took the chance and went to go get the alcohol. The girl's bitch friend had decided she was going to ruin the night and leave and she was going with her friend. Danny thought they would steal his computer so we rushed back to the house to stop them. When we got there they had not left, but on the ride there Danny had a plan.

"How much do you think my time is worth Steve?" Danny said. "I don't know but I think this one is a bad idea." I replied. Danny had told me that he was going to keep the 20$ that they had given us because they wasted his time. When we got back to the house we just denied it the whole time saying we had left the 20$ when we thought we were getting robbed. They started arguing with us but we wouldn't back down from the original story. Finally they said they would follow us back to the store and retrieve the missing money. I didn't know what to do after that, but Danny did. "Lose them." Danny said. So as we drove the complete opposite direction of the store, I waited for the perfect time to ditch them. And as we pulled up closer to the freeway, I cut traffic and hopped onto the freeway and drove as fast as I could and pulled off the first exit I saw.

We had escaped...Until they called us.

Making a long story short, it was a loud argument that resulted in them trying to call the cops but for no reason at all. There is no crime against almost buying alcohol for minors, we would just deny and her Uncle cop that came after us would get in even more trouble for conspiracy or something like that (Danny knows the charge).

Later in the evening we had a blocked call coming in. Low and behold it was two of her guy friends trying to get tough with Danny and I. I had minimally told him off before Danny took the phone from me and really got vocally intimate with this Homosexual.

"Don't take that fucking tone with me bitch, I'm on my way with your damn fucking money, I apologize for it. I don't need 20$, I make a fucking living Homie." "I'm not you Homie, and you better fucking get here.". Then Danny said "Listen, I will ruin your fucking existance, Don't take that tone with me ever again, now apologize". "Fine, whatever". Danny replied "No Bitch, I said fucking apologize". "I did man I did". "No, I want to hear you say it, now fucking say it Bitch."

"I...I...Apolgize.". "That's what I fucking thought".

We pulled up to the Smith's parking lot and threw the 20$ on the ground contemplating weather or not we should get out and go smash these kids. But then again, they wern't even man enough to get out of the car and come confront us when we pulled up and stopped there for them to come out and try and get hard, as we yelled shit to them. It was all over after that, we finished the night by picking up two girls we knew and finishing the rest of the Heineken. Capping a pretty eventful night.

Sunday was a slow day though. Slept until the better part of noon and began my day with football. Had a few drops of excitement through the day but just generally had myself a quite restful afternoon, that's what ruined my weekend.

I'm planning on this weekend to be pretty fun, an immense mount of drinking is in order with whomever and wherever. Maybe this girl from Stead, her name is Gabriela. She is unbelievably good looking, and she thinks I'm good looking so I think she can't resist my charm you know? Of course I'm kidding about that, but hopefully she comes to hang with me.

Well I have to go to work tomorrow so I can pay all my bills and make a fool of myself by wasteing my money away. So sleeping is a priority as of right now.

But I'll be on this week again sometime, hopefully with another pretty decent story. Have fun reading.

With Love, Steve.

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