Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Been Awhile.

And now that I sit in the UNR library with Anish and Varun being immature hitting on college women I can take a little bit of time to refresh you on the events that have recently happened to me. Starting maybe with some good on how the job is going that I had started about two months ago. Slowlys I can begin getting into the more detailed, sexually orientated part that had actually just happened over the weekend. So let me begin then with the job.

I am extremely excelling at my job and feel good about my security and future of it....Now that I am done with explaining that I can get into the fun part.

This previous weekend Varun and I had went to our friend Salvador's party to have some drinks and have quite a bit of fun. It started with a couple beers and slowly became a couple more and then became shots of Vodka and Jager. This girl I had been talking to for a long time previously (close to a year before) had come over with her friend and also had gotten very drunk which led to more interesting night then before. After drinking about all we could handle the girl and I had gone to her car and talked for about 5 minutes until I was pulled into her and began getting a little more sentual. After about six or seven minutes of making out we began losing clothing and then unfortunatly I was pulled on top in the most uncomfy of positions. Luckily for my drunk and stuperness I had the extreme case of whiskey dick and could not penetrate for the life of me.

Story of my life...Not really.

It ended with her still getting off from my hands and me getting the run around with her hand and then an unsetteling argument that led back into Salvador's apartment where everyone ahd already left. I went back to Varun's car where him and Anish were sitting eating Taco's and taking turns sticking there finger's inside the girls friend. After we had began leaving I was getting grief from the two of them as they claimed I raped her. This verbal abuse has been going on since that very day.

The very next day Varun and I had gone shopping in the most non gay of ways and bought a bunch of new clothes that we could wear for the following night. I had bought some nice shorts and a pair of jeans that had gone well with all of the shirts. But the giant prize clothing I had bought was at Dillards at Summit mall. I had bought a black sweater vest as well as a long sleeve dress shirt to wear underneath. Next I had gotten black slacks and black leather dress shoes to also wear, but here is the twist. I did not have a event to go to that night for which I was planning on wearing it, I was actually going to a casual party among people I had not met before.

Before going to the party we had made a pit-stop at wal mart to buy myself a new toothbrush. As we stood in the lane to purchase it I had noticed two girls and a pair of guys sitting in the McDonald's stairing at me and whispering to eachother. After the purchase I walked by and the girl had decided to say something with the immature cough technique. Varun had yelled shut up, I however had stepped back so they could see me in my sweater vest and called out the boys asking them if they wanted to get beat up by the guy in the sweater vest and told the girl to go back to sucking dick. It worked and when we had gotten outside they ran off before we could drive up to them.

At the party we had a few beers and talked to so women and I got my compliement's on my outfit from the cuter women. My old friend Nezhla was there and looked very good herself and I talked shit to some of her enemies for her. Then a girl I had met off myspace had also met us that night and I had spent some time with her.

That's it for this Blog unforutnalty. Anish has to leave this library and he is my ride so I can't tell you a little more detail.

when I get my computer fixed I'll make sure to keep this more up to date for everybody who still reads.

With love, Steve.

1 comment:

Julio2092 said...

bro u lead an awesome life