Thursday, March 12, 2009

Precautious Downfalls Of A Relationship For A Man.

During the course of the last few weeks I have somewhat studied behaviors of relationships between myself or any other male and the female companions they most closely share a bond with. By establishing the obvious that women are for the most part blood sucking fiends who find more pleasure in hurt and sorrow of the so called "Abomination" of a man then treating them with respect and love. For the women who read this article I can say one thing before you slowly lose interest thinking it is just yet another article on how you make life suck. This one may actually help men find out what makes you happy.

Long story short people love attention. They love being showered with love and praise from their peers and getting whatever they can out of life before it abruptly ends in dismal fashion. When it comes to a man looking for a relationship there are several things that can make him stay around and not know what is good for him. One, and maybe the most obvious, is how well she works it in the bedroom. The second is how faithful she is too him and how much she can establish and build and foremost keep his trust. Lastly, the man does not want to hear you bitch and talk about yourself or your damn shoes or how your fucking nail decided to break when you grind it on the cement because you fell over from carrying too many Gucci hand bags around in your big ass Zephyr crystal status purse that you bought with your boyfriend's money because he is a sucker and a poor excuse for a man. Also he does not want to be part of the stereotypical husband that comes home early.

Now in all this a man does what he has to do to keep his women happy. He is there for her on a consistent basis to tend to her every need. He makes her laugh when he can and surprise her when it is unexpected. Don't get me wrong though, there are some bad people out there who get sick pleasure out of breaking hearts, I for one am not one of those people. But guys, at what cost can we continue to do such things as taking women to dinner and providing for them and expressing comfort in sharing our own feelings with them that you can't share with me because I will assuredly laugh at you as I sit on my bar stool drinking yet again another beer. The cost is simple, you make women the leading cause for heart breaks in the world. Women decide that a man is no good anymore when he can't hold his feelings to himself anymore and just care about her. Ladies I hate to break it to you but this is a true fact in life, men who give their all usually in the end fall.

Women have a very particular way of choosing men. Looks are the first thing that ever catch their eye, not personality. If you are some hefty set dude with acne that looks like a diagram of space on your face and they can smell the bacon deodorant from about 10 feet away, you are not going to get many attractive women if you get any at all. When a girl thinks your hot, which I sometimes get that reaction, they will proceed to give you stares that will make you pay attention to them and determine if you think that they are attractive or not. If your lucky then they will be gorgeous and you can take advantage of the fact they want you from the beginning. After the initiated conversation is presented they will take the time to get to know you just for the simple fact you are attractive and if they have the average IQ of a 6 month old blond that was born from Anna Nicole Smith then they will realize weather of not you are a waste of time or a good guy. Now this will be going uphill for approximately a week or so before it all comes crashing down in a blistering ball of fire and disappointment.

Women seem to get the feeling that they want something but change their mind after you have gone too far with it. Just recently on the phone actually I was told by a girl I work with that she likes attention from a guy when she is with him, she obviously did not get the hint on that one. Today at work I had tried the experiment on this girl, who I do think is a great girl worthy of my efforts to get to know, too see if she was in fact the same as all women in the world. I'll spoil it and tell you I was right. I had not talked to her the day before, we know the drill, she has to get over some dude before she talks to me, we have all heard it before, so until then you are stuck in "Friend Zone". I ignored her at the first part until she had written me on when my breaks were. Instead of replying the appropriate answer's I had called her a jerk and that she was ignoring me and she proceeded to call me moody. Basically the whole time I was complaining about how she did not give me any attention and that I wanted to be with her or talk to her and get to that point sooner rather then later but she was all resilient. And for that reason it began proving my point that since I wanted the attention I had gotten annoying to her and frustrated her by telling her things that were way too overly dramatic. By the end I had told her that I did not care and that when she wanted to hang out she could call me and I would stay out of her way until she got all of her shit straight. That was the brief turning point that really implied my success on the day besides having high numbers at work. She wrote me saying she wanted to hang out soon and that she still wanted to be friends and all that stuff and that we should see where it goes, basically saying she was interested yet again because I had decided to let it go and not give her that attention. But then I reversed it once more, I began doing the complaining thing again saying I wanted to be with her and that she was more then just some girl, which she kind of is I suppose, but emphasized it much more then just that. She again lost interest and that was the end of the day until I had the text saying "Why are you ignoring me?" I knew I would tell her what happened and why I did it for writing reasons and she seems fairly understanding so far.

Theory goes that women don't know what they want, and when they get what they think they wan then they want something completely opposite. Sitting at the bar today after work having some beers with the bartender that I know he was clearly upset that him and his girl were having problems. He was writing her novels for text messages expressing exactly how he feels about her and why he is the one she should be happy with. I gave him my advice in telling her to have her space and when she is ready she can come talk to you and go from there and leave it at that. About one hour after sending that message she was texting him back asking if he was over her for all of this and he simply replied "No.". A very simple answer for a girl who wanted yet another novel text message so she could have the upper hand. Putting it in a nutshell you can't give your all the the one who has you by the balls.

For my situation, I tend to play this one by ear. Spend time with this girl and have fun and let her see who I really am and one day it will work out for the best and she will see what a great guy I am and I will know about what kind of girl she is and like there was never a brief space in between it will work out. Most guys have this problem of going over the top for a girl when all she truly ever needs is the man to just be his own relaxed self and don't blow his top. Instead of buying her something everyday because you love her so much, just surprise her every so often just enough to the point where she knows you have her in your heart in mind all the time.

Ask for the men who have the opposite problems in which the girls drive them crazy. Their really is nothing we can do. Women were born with immaculate ear drums that seem to be able to block out men talking about something they enjoy or when we have the brief chance while they catch their breath to get in a word. It's truly incredible and may be able to be harnessed as a military weapon someday. Women don't understand that a guy wants a girl to just let him know he is important and she wants him around. Doesn't have to be all the time, but it is tiring when the guy makes all the effort to communicat with the girl all the time and has to make it work by himself, we are people not horses. The most comon solution is putting out and making a night out of it and just rocking his sheets until he sleeps through his alarm clock because he has no more energy after rocking your world the previous night. But outside of that there is nothing wrong with when he wakes up you are laying there with him and letting him know how much fun you had and that you care about him to the point that you would put yourself through such torturous pleasure that you enjoy for him.

I feel as if pitching this idea for my story will take more stories from the inards of a heart that is broken, mended, forever taken, and even six feet deep due to the extent of the misery that had happened. Not one person in this whole earth deserves to have someone they care about destroy their heart in the ways that I have seen before. Staying true to yourself and helping when you can with others which is your own way of life is all it takes. There is nothing more perfect in this world too me then a girl that I can enjoy having around all the time and whom I can be myself around and never have to change a thing unless I choose to do it myself. Everyone has a person out their who can do that for them and for those who suffer through times likes these there is still hope for you because their is plenty of fish in the sea. More to be added on a later time for this.

With Love, Steve.

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