Sunday, March 29, 2009

Polishing A Dust Bowl.

Pointless right? Attempting to clean up something that is undeniably the dirtiest thing ever. I bring this up for one simple reason. The title was just something I thought was clever and will have nothing to do with the post, thought I would just lead you on as I sit here listening to country music and waiting for a call from someone in town to perhaps meet up. But as it stands life ticks away happily with no way to slow down to quickly accomplish a short term goal. Maybe this weekend is what has me thinking so distinctively.

Friday night I had went over to my buddy's house to have a few beer and relax and play a few games of beer pong before I had to go to work early in the morning. Instead of having some beers I decided to take the biggest hit of weed I had ever indulged in my life and at that time had to see the bleak truth that I was a lightweight with weed. Which sometimes is not a bad thing but considered in this case. As I stumbled around trying to see straight I had decided to leave for recreational reasons and at my own expense. The drive felt as if it was eight hours long with every small turn taking a brief eternity to get through. Fuck that, never again. That is a lie, I will smoke weed one more time at least in my life, just not such a big hit.

Last night had to be one of the funner nights I have had in some time. At the same house we were having more people over then just the very few we had the night before. Beer, weed, girls, it was a legit party. We wanted to go eat horribly bad so I had decided to take my car, which I had just fixed, and go down the street to eat. With my luck and Carlton in the car we went ahead and broke down right in the Eternal parking lot and could not restart the giant piece of shit car I have. I worked on it for several minutes before our ride had come back with a car full of people. It is actually still there to this very minute. Way to lazy to go fix it even though I had the energy to go to the gym today.

To bring up a more ironic but heart warming story in a sort I had a surprising Friday off of the brief time I was on Myspace. A girl who I had added what seems to be maybe a year ago that I had never talked to but always tried had written me a picture comment on maybe the dumbest picture of me stating that I looked half way decent. I took that time to make yet another try to talk to her and this time it worked. I was very happy that I was able to get a number, so there was the bright point except for the fact that I truly feel she is tougher then me and may beat my ass if I said the wrong thing. But you know how it goes.

Not knowing what to do with the car though. I need my dad to help me co-sign for a new truck. It's that simple and it's the only option we have at this point. I need a car to get to work and I am not spending any more money on this damn car that will not run. I just had to get that out of my system.

I don't really have much to write about, maybe the fact that last night at the party a kid named Jameson decided to tell me I would regret my tattoo. Little does he know, he is going to be the fat drunk guy who posts up in bars in Reno his whole life wearing his lettermans jacket from SSHS and trying to call out all the people who didn't excel in high school but are much better off then he is for the sole fact that high school was the only time he was thought of as a cool guy. I like Jameson, but not enough to not put him on blast.

Also Justin Burke wanted a shout out on here once more so I said I would, as well as write a book with "JB" as the title. That should make for a top-seller. If ever on Myspace, check out his hip hop profile. He is one hell of a rapper and has a lot of talent and can use support from anyone who appreciates music. I listen to him, so he is obviously good because I only listen to the cool shit since I am the collest mother fucker alive.

Time for me to get off of this and go see what I am doing tonight. Maybe just sleep....? Hell no, sleeping is for sober people.

With Love, Steve.

1 comment:

Julio2092 said...

hows da book comin along