Friday, December 5, 2008

The Devil Lives In Fernley

How many jobs have you ever had where you can't stand it because there is a lack of work for you to do? If you like standing for 11 hours a day then you would love the place where I work. Placing items from a tote onto a belt is all my job consists of. I would rather be watching paint dry then doing this type of work if only through the holiday's.

I haven't been able to write in my Blog the last couple of days due to working 11 hours through the night into the beaming hours of the morning all the way in the unknown land of Fernley, NV. But there really is no story about work for you to have to listen to. It really is about as boring as it sounds, but. I do work across from this very attractive girl who's name I have yet to obtain from her. She is I believe 24 years of age with short black hair and a toned body with a nice tan. She has a lower back tattoo that I was lucky enough to be shown the first day and with the body she had it was particularly sexy. Outside of that there really is nothing else to speak about there.

I have finally spilled my heart out to people who I have not quite yet spoken to about the way I feel about them. I had finally had enough of carrying the insubordinate weight on my shoulders and letting opportunities to unload it pass by. Once again I do not want to waste everybody's time with speaking of the boring situations, So I will skip straight to the girl. I had told her that even though the last few weeks had been stressful and much drama had proceeded between us that I still did have strong feelings for her and knew that her feelings most likely have changed but I would just feel better knowing that she knew how I had felt. She then said "Thanks for that, it really means a lot.". But to be perfectly honest I probably won't feel better just saying it to her with no result. And her answer to what I had said has me confused as to how she feels towards me. But story of a man's life, We simply just can not understand the thought process of a woman.

"In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet."-Albert Schweitzer

Deeming any downfall's of a society in which love conquers only about half the time in marriage. It is something also that most people crave to find at an early age in their lifetime. Interestingly I have found myself not looking for it but looking for an opportunity to develop a relationship into that of a bonding heritage. The single life is so good to me in the sense that I have all my time to do whatever I want, But most of the time I have no other activities to interact with. That would be the most viable reason the I would like to have a female companion in my life who isn't the kissing cuddly type that you can't seem to get away from. But I would much rather have a girl who can come hang every so often. Have some sort of enjoyable physical activity and be able to let you watch the game or do whatever you want to do without clinging on like a leech. Also someone who can live their life outside of me by going out with friends and I can also go out with my friends and in the end we would not have to worry because we would have that unspoken trust between each other. That may very well be the exact reason why I have found myself itching for this girl I talk about. She fits the category, and the quote, I have been shooting for the greatest thing I could find. The hottest girl with the best body who can love and cherish you, when underneath my feet their was something greater then that, someone who could really make you feel like you can be yourself and never have to change anything around on you. It's irony but in attempting to reach the moon, I have gone past something that has more of a gravitational pole then that very same moon towards my willingness to care.

With love, Steve

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