Friday, December 26, 2008

I Hate Being Sick

Being sick is one of those things that everyone has to deal with. For some reason it seems as if when I get sick it is right around a time where I have a lot to do or have important plans. I'm currently curled up on my couch battling a cough and runny nose and every hour or so making a mad dash to the bathroom to empty the bile from my stomach. Not only that but it has made me extremely light headed and exhausted. But it does give me a rare opportunity to write today about all that has happened of late.

As i sit here on my grandmothers couch thinking about how in the world I had become this sick. I begin thinking about how the third year in a row in which my father has bailed on me for Christmas morning due to weather conditions. For those who don't realize this, the holiday's come at a point in time when the weather does not permit for people to drive long distances. You must improvise and adjust so that you can spend time with your family. Anyways it was a decent Christmas and I had collected some valuable money that I can use for my bills of all things.

My car had recently broke down my having the clutch blow out so it was towed down to Pep Boys. Instead of fixing it though and having other things break down on it I have decided to give it to Mercedes Benz of Reno and begin payments on a newer nicer car. This is pending a sign off by my father for the new car because my credit history always prevents me from being able to achieve creditable items. But with the leverage that it seems I have gained on my father and the new job as a Phone Banker at Wells Fargo I had just gotten I don't see the problem with being able to have him sign for it.

We had just gotten evicted from our apartment due to being to loud but at the same time it was not an issue due to the fact that we could not afford the rent this month anyways. It was quite funny about how this all came about though, I had some girls over a few nights ago and we had all taken some shots and pounded some beers and 3 of the 5 had went to sleep in my room where I let them sleep and Danny and I had taken control of the other two. The one girl who was less attractive had puked on the stairs but the other girl was laying with Danny. Danny had been feeling her up and had asked her if she was down for Danny and I fucking her at the same time. She was down for it but she was on her period.

Story of my life.

Anyways the 31st is when we have to have all our stuff out and I'm happy we are getting out, I missed living near my family and with my grandmother.

Well I have somewhat hit the nail on the head with this fairly short Blog, just some kind of update on what has been going on with me lately. At the time being I'll sign off and let you guys get back to your shopping frenzy because I need to go throw up now.

With love, Steve

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