Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm gonna have to ask you to stop...Or I'm gonna fucking kill you.

I apologize for not posting previously throughout the week. I have had an extremely rough week and more then not been drunk for the greater part of it. Almost every night had ended with everyone having a fun time but there was tension in between every single moment. But in the end I was happy that the weekend had went into the direction that it did.

I had spent time with my friend Danny for the better part of this whole week just kicking back beers and having girls over at whatever place we were partying at. He had met all the kids staying with us and the roommates and had became an instant attraction to everyone with all of his stories of his life that he has. We had partied with the neighbor girls a few times and he had gotten the number of one of them and had conversation with her that had been good at first until it slowly started to break down. We had gone out with Danny to this girl's house that I have never met before and right when we got there he had left us to go handle something with his buddy across town. Matt, Brittany, and I had became acquainted with the three girls and had some drinks with them before they invited us to a party right down the street in the same apartment complex as them. We had spent some time there before the three girl's we had just met that night had left and gone elsewhere. We got to know everyone from the new party and began drinking heavily before trying to figure out a way to get home since Danny would not be coming back for the night. Mark had came to pick us up after spending the evening with his girlfriend and we all came home and crashed before we could start drinking again.

The next night Danny had come over again for some food and to talk about what had been happening with the neighbor girl drama. Apparently the guy friend's of the two girl's wanted to smash Danny's face in. Good news for them is that they did not try, I have seen the damage that Danny does, And though he may just be a guy in a sweater vest, He will grab you by the eyes and throw you over a two story ledge. Not to mention myself and Matt had Danny's back against whoever should attempt to oppose him. Later that night two of the guys had come over and casually introduced themselves to Danny but had not started any drama at the moment. One had left and the other had positioned himself on the futon which is where Mark slept at night and the neighbor girl whom all of this started from had tried to talk to Danny with me in the room. She had asked him if they could talk privately and he calmly replied that he was cozy and that they could talk from the position's they were at. She pleaded her case that she was a good girl and that there was no need for anything to happen and Danny agreed and tried to shoo her away after saying that they should just drop it but it was not good enough for her and she continued to press the issue but Danny kept telling her to drop it and interrupting her in hopes that she would just get the hint that she was being dismissed and walk away. The one guy still in the room pulled the neighbor girl aside and had asked if that was the same kid from which she had spoken about and she said yes but he is cool now. The kid had come to Danny and for the third time in 15 minutes had introduced himself but this time with a little conviction in his voice. He had said "I thought something bad was about to happen" and Danny calmly replied "Yeah, I thought I was going to have to get up off the couch". It all died right there while I sat there and laughed for an extended period of time at how he had handled the neighbor girl.

As the night went on we had decided to go have some beers at the neighbor girl's house and see what would happen. Nothing had happened as I had thought except for the same old boring things. Everyone sat around and had some beers and watched television. I had other plans though, Varun had come to pick me up and we went to a keg party and played some beer pong down there. We had lost the game but still had a fairly good time before I had gotten a phone call from a distressed Matt. He had said that the neighbor girl's friends where trying to start a fight with him so I had gotten home as soon as I could to help him out and Danny had come back to the house as well to back him up. Fortunately he was drunk and had completely exagerated what was going to happen. So me and Danny had decided to go ahead and head on over to a house where this girl and her friend had been. We looked for awhile but could not find it and finally gave up and he dropped me back off at my house. Danny got a call later from the girl and had found the house and had later found out that the friend she was with had actually been a man, lucky me.

I woke up this morning a little hung over but feeling pretty good at the same time. I had ate breakfast and watched my Raiders get destroyed by the patriots but it wasn't much of a surprise to me at that point. I had kept talking to this girl on myspace who lived in california and hopefully is going to be attending a college in San Diego where I will be stationed for SWAT team. She has caught me off guard because she is gorgeous but like the dirty talk, so I give her just the mere image of the things I would like to do to her. Hopefully I will be able to fulfill these naughty things that me and her are so eager to try.

I also said I would mention Mikey in this blog so let me start by telling you all of how gay he is. Mikey is so gay that he was jumped at his own gay pride parrade because his swagger had made all of the other gay people jealous. I get scared at night knowing he sleeps on my couch because he can come into my room and try and rape me while I sleep. He has a little innocent baby face that makes it seem like he is harmless but really he is just a flamer. Mark has a girlfriend now also. It caught me by surprise because it only took one date for them to see that they were going to be together and today which is now day 2 i believe of the relationship I had heard him say that he loves her. Though it wasn't how it sounded it still had made my jaw bone dislocate and fall to the floor.

I can't remember anything else that had happened over the week because I was most likely too drunk to remember. But I will try and Blog tomorrow and let you all know how everything is going with my current dilemna's that I don't have at the particualar moment. Everyone have a safe and happy holiday.

With love, Steve

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