Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Road Trip Anyone?

So I have decided that my life can not be completed without a road trip to Newport Beach, CA at some point this year before I leave to New Mexico. It is always hard to get people together for a road trip so at the very least I will just take a quick plane ride there. Several reasons why I'm going there, one in particular, but it is gorgeous down there, I can be on the beach, and look for real estate when I take the trip to San Diego for when I'm stationed there. Plus I haven't had a true vacation since my parents had taken me to Santa Cruz when I was around the age of 11 or so. This hopefully will be started sometime by the end of January around my birthday perhaps.

Last night had been quite the crazy night with the amount of alcohol that we had consumed. I would say I had a good 14 or 15 beers with only about 2 or 3 shots but it was enough to impair my judgment on the night. We had attempted to play some drinking games but were unable to finish any of them as we were having too much fun listening to Danny's funny stories and talking trash about one another. I had stayed up all night drinking after Danny had slept for about two hours or so. It was 6 in the morning and still dark out when Danny offered to buy me breakfast at Denny's. We jumped in his car and had a long conversation and talked about financial opportunities. By around 830 the girls who were over had left and I cleaned up and actually had fallen asleep till about 2 in the afternoon after that to at least get a few hours of sleep.

I have taken back my old job at Pep Boys and will be a service writer starting hopefully this upcoming week. The pay at first does not seem great at only 7 dollars an hour, but it is a commission based job. The service manager and also a good buddy of mine had told me that with my customer service skills that my average pay could be somewhere around 14 to 15 dollars an hour as long as I was able to keep selling which is a give in. With the economy how it is more people keep there cars and get them fixed up rather then go buy a brand new car with the risk of having it taken away. Mark will be a garage monkey, Doing oil changes and mounting tires and changing wipers and headlights for 8.40 an hour but he gets 50 hours a week and full benefits so he is pleased with what he is able to get.

Not too much else to write about today. It has been a very pleasant day and even the wee morning hours had treated me well. I think tonight I will end my reign as the last person in the world who has not seen The Dark Knight. Other then that I do have a date set up with a girl from last night that I had not gotten the chance to talk to as much as I would have hoped the other night but I'll take this opportunity to put myself out there and see what happens.

Looking far among others sounds like desperation to find something that has eluded you until the most unexpected time has come through. We meet everyone for a reason, and everything is altered with each voice and opinion you hear whether or not you like to believe it or not. I live my life with the motive of taking advantage of most opportunities that present themselves to me. Pleasure, Fame, Fortune are all something people can act on. But in some cases it can be something more. And the road trip I will take will lead me to something that can either be brief or great, but for whatever reason I feel the impact will be positive in my life.

With love, Steve.

1 comment:

ChaniBoBani said...

Great to hear you're feeling better. =)
