Monday, December 8, 2008

Was That Shirt White When You Bought It Or After We Had Sex?

So last night was quite an intriguing night with all the alcohol and a surprise visit from my good friend Danny. It was all good and fun making fun of Steven all night until I decided to say something back at the end of the night that was not taken as a joke because some people can dish it but just can't take it. Outside of that the night had gone rather smoothly and a get richer quick scheme had been thought up among intelligent mind(s). Also in case you haven't already my good friend Ronnie has began Blogging on the same website as well so maybe you all can check his out at some point in time.

The night had began with me and a few of my friends sitting in my apartment looking for some alcohol and girls who would be willing to change their busy plans on a Sunday night to hang out with some jobless fools who had nothing better to do then get trashed. We could not find any girls outside of the two neighbor girls who were always down to have people around. My good friend Danny who I had not seen in awhile had decided to come have some drinks with us and tell us some of his crazy stories and keep us entertained. When he had come we went next door to meet the neighbor girls and I had agreed to have my happy trail waxed by the girl I had a crush on. It was painful yet i let her wax a sad face on my left leg to match the smiley face waxed on my right leg. Danny refused to get waxed and instead we had accumulated some money and went to the store to pick up some Vodka and Captain Morgan. When we had come back we left the bottle of Vodka to my roommate and our friends and Danny and I had went next door to begin drinking with the girls. But as son as it started everyone had plowed their way into their house and we had a big assortment of people in the house. Throughout the night we had drank only a handful of beers and a few more then that of shots but nothing that could have gotten me near drunk.

It seemed as if I was the center of some cruel jokes during the course of the night. I'm a very good sport and was able to laugh them all off without defending myself. Most of them had been sexual jokes or someone trying to joke but not knowing they were really telling the truth about me having no game with the ladies. After all that and most of Danny's stories we had went back over to my house with a 6 pack of Mickey's and listened to a few more stories. Mark had gotten way above his limit as he had vomited over the ledge of our patio. He had been bugging the neighbor girls who were trying to get some sleep and had asked if he could crash on their couch over the phone because we were all in his area. He stood at their door for about 5 minutes and told everybody to walk away when we had gotten to close to him. Finally I began losing my temper and had told him to pick a house to stay at because I was locking the door in a couple seconds, with a couple swear words in the middle of that sentence. He had come back and played it as a joke so we had no problem with it. When we did leave the neighbor's house I had texted my comeback for the night to her saying "Let's just have sex ya?" as a joke. She could not understand that and began her long process of not talking to me the rest of the night which really had irritated me that she had such a reaction to something I had been taking all night.

I woke up this morning and instantly was in horrible mood and did not want to deal with any bullshit throughout the day. I went to see my mom at 8 in the morning at her work and she had bought me a new sweater and some food and gas just because she is an amazing mother. I then went home to hang out with the guys who were still passed out. Matt had woken up off the couch to the chicken and had eaten some with his whiskey that he wanted to keep drinking and then we had went down to my old job and soon to be current job at Pep Boys. I talked with the manager about where I would be working at and we had worked it all out and saw about setting Matt up with a job. Mark had gotten the job and will start very soon himself. Mark went down after me and Matt had come home from a quick trip to the mall and he had gotten the job. He called neighbor girl and she had a distress in her voice that I'm assuming it was from my comment the night before. I asked him the problem but he had just walked out. I let it go and figured I would just ask him when he came back from talking with her. When he had come back I had asked him what her deal was and the response to that question was "It's only between me and her". As small as that was it infuriated me, I sent her a text asking why she was mad and she said she did not want to talk to anybody. But then why would she be telling Mark everything and not me about her problem's? I was about to start punching holes in walls so I went to go give my baby niece a visit to calm me down.

After seeing her and being calmed down and then dropping my brother-in-law off at work I had headed home and began getting the anger back. I walked in to Trever, Mark, and Matt and was hammered with question's asking why I was upset today. I told them exactly what I had just wrote and felt somewhat better until she had come over and began doing the same exact thing. I politely answered her questions with "A lot of things" and began watching the football game as she jumped onto the computer which is what I'm sure she had come over to use in the first place.

Well that's about all I have for tonight, I'll make sure to post tomorrow and see how I feel.

On one more note though, There is another girl, though she does live far away and it has not became that type of feeling towards her, she is a sweetheart and drop dead sexy. That is helping me get away from this shit and get hooked up on something that is much more fun.

With Love, Steve.

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